Thursday, October 4, 2012


More and more people today are looking for the opportunity to own their lives. In fact network marketing is the fastest growing type of business there is today. Many people like Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Fortune 500 companies and many more are venturing into the network marketing world. Famous author, Robert Kiyosaki calls it “the business of the 21st century.” So why not look for an opportunity that is life changing through health and wealth. Over half of the North American population are Baby Boomers. The majority of them spend more money on trying to stay young and healthy than they will on their homes, cars and travel. Paul Zane Pilzer, business analysist says that the Health and Wellness industry is the fastest growing industry with Baby Boomers leading the way. With Diabetes on the rise, with heart disease still the number 1 killer, with the war against obesity failing, we need to look at our health more than ever. With the demand on health care being so prevalent, with the demand on pensions growing as baby boomers age, it is time for us to start thinking about plan “B”. So, what if you could have better health and better wealth, and be part of the one of the fastest growing industries, the health and wellness industry? What if you could eat and share the number #1 consumed food in the world but just so happens to be the healthiest food in the world. What if you could promote and eat the only “Healthy Chocolate” with the trademark to say that? What if this chocolate is proven to be the highest antioxidant food there is available to us? What if you could eat chocolate for the first time ever guilt free? Well now you can! There is one company that has the only “Healthy Chocolate” in the world. With a proprietary blend of unprocessed cocoa, acai berries and blueberries, no one has what Xocai has. Unlike other chocolate companies who dutch their chocolate, alkalize it and then add waxes and fillers to create a candy, MXI (Marketing Xocolate International) makes Xocai using a special cold-pressing technique locking in the antioxidants and nutrients that Cocoa beans are famous for. Backed by science and medical studies, Xocai Healthy Chocolate is changing lives in 39 countries around the world. Xocai has been proven to help with cardiovascular disease, stabilizing blood sugar levels, increase the anti-aging gene, decrease inflammation, (the root of all evil) and help with brain health, gum health and the list goes on. With 198 people doing research and development on our product every day, Brunswick Labs certified, Xocai has no competition anywhere. Printed in medical journals, supported by Doctors, and studies to show the benefits of healthy dark chocolate, Xocai is leaving its mark on a world that desperately needs better health. Xocai is packed full of flavonoids, catechins and epicatchins, which can help with so many diseases. In fact, Dr. Norman Hollenberg, of Harvard University says “If these observations (regarding cocoa epicatechin) predict the future, then we can say without blushing that they are among the most important observations In the history of medicine…Epicatechin could potentially get rid of 4 of the 5 most common diseases in the western world. How important does that make epicatechin? I would say very important.” Wow, get rid of 4 out of the 5 most common diseases in the western world. So ask yourself how healthy are you and are you ready for a lifestyle change? As a business, it has a lucrative compensation plan that has a record breaking retention rate. With the right tools, the right team, the right company, and the right product, you can have your plan “B” for wealth and you can eat your overhead. So ask yourself, can you see chocolate in your life???

Friday, September 16, 2011

XoService - Giving Back

We are so excited about MXI's new initiative. Giving Back to our communities ONE team at a time!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"I'm a Chocoholic"

Check out this link to see Lorrie Neskovski and Jennifer Robinson on Daytime.

Business is SWEET!

Business is pretty sweet for Georgian College student
Updated 2 months ago
Who doesn't like chocolate?

That's what Brendan Neskovski wants to know.

And, what if those morsels were

actually good for you, able to cleanse your body with each bite?

The first-year travel and tourism student at Georgian has some healthy chocolate he'd like to sell.

"It's a hard sell sometimes, because we're all so conditioned to think of chocolate as candy that's unhealthy," said Brendan, 19. "You have to teach people this dark chocolate is good for you. Any dark chocolate is.

"We all love chocolate at our house. I've been eating this stuff for two years and feel great. I have more energy because of it, and it tastes great," he added.

Two years ago, the Woodville resident (near Lindsay, ON) and his mother, Lorrie, joined forces to market this treat - Xocai medicinal chocolate - from home.

They are independent distributors of the products.

The American company branched out into Canada in 2006, and the Neskovskis learned of its products' healthy benefits while Brendan was still in high school and Lorrie was still a nurse.

Xocai dark chocolate is loaded with anti-oxidants, as well as acai berry and blueberry.

The chocolate isn't cooked. It's cold-pressed right from the cocoa bean and is to be consumed in its raw form. It comes in the form of squares, nuggets, protein shakes and now an energy drink.

The products aid in weight loss, cardiovascular health, reducing blood clots and high blood pressure, all the while tasting as good as any other dark chocolate.

"This is not candy. It's medicinal chocolate, and it curbs your sugar cravings and keeps your blood sugar levels in check," Lorrie said. "It's great for diabetics, but it's great for everyone. It also increases the seratonin in your brain to make you happier."

"It was my mom who heard of it first, and I said, 'Mom, we need to jump on this,'" Brendan said. "I have always wanted to own my own business, and this excited me. I knew it was something I could get passionate about."

"He's got the heart and the drive to do this," Lorrie said of her son. "At first, I worried about him getting into this at his age, but he's a business-oriented young man."

Brendan wants to expand the business into Barrie, where he sees a potentially fruitful market.

"That's one of my goals, to build the business here," he said. "It's a hard sell because people don't all take someone my age seriously. But, I already have a few people interested here.

"I'll pull out a piece of the chocolate at school and people will say, 'Oh, that looks really good. Can I have a piece?' They don't realize it's good for them."

Brendan has a few plans to market this product locally.

"I want to hold a couple of tasting events to promote it," he said, adding he'd also like to get the product into bed and breakfast locations, so a chocolate can be left on the guest's pillow.

"I think there's a good chance this can fly here in Barrie," he said. "People have to realize it's not going to work for them overnight. But, after a month, they'll start to feel great and notice more energy."

This chocolately treat isn't cheap, totalling $115 a box. But, each container holds enough to last a month, Lorrie said.

"This isn't candy and you aren't supposed to eat these chocolate squares like candy," she said. "They're supposed to last all month, eating two or three a day."

And, Lorrie said, when you consider how much people spend on vitamin tablets, the price is comparable.

To order your own supply of Xocai healthy chocolate, call Brendan's personal business line at 374-5419, or visit

Friday, August 13, 2010


This past week has been unbelievable! I am so overwhelmed with excitement. People are really taking advantage of the new weight loss system!!!

For more information visit...

Just Tried this...

I just used this site to try and promote my site...
Let's Hope it works!!!

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